Conférence Studium : The Runaway Word. Languages and Religious Exile in the Renaissance

Date: 7 Novembre 2017 au 8 Novembre 2017


Pr Franco Pierno
University of Toronto, CA

Pr Chiara Lastraioli
CESR (Centre d’Etudes Supérieures de la Renaissance), University François-Rabelais de Tours, FR, Director of the MSH Val de Loire

The aim of the conference is to bring together scholars who work on texts published in Geneva during Calvin’s lifetime and until the end of the 16th century. The debate will focus on stylistic, rhetorical, and linguistic issues in this editorial production determined by Calvinist thought and theology. The conference will also take into account the political as well as social contexts in which these texts were conceived and produced, such as the censorial system put in place by Calvin himself or by the administrative bodies set up on his authority, the editorial market, and the circulation of books in a reformed milieu. In addition, the conference will address the influence exerted by the “polyglossie du refuge” on the works printed during this period. The organizers are also interested in papers focusing on the relationship between texts and the Reformation in the same time period in others lands of religious exile: Alemannic Switzerland (especially Basel), Grisons (included some Protestant valleys of Northern Italy), England, not forgetting France (especially Lyon).

The conference, organized by the CESR (Centre d’Études Supérieures de la Renaissance), is financially supported by LE STUDIUM, and is part of the research activities led by the team EDITEF Project (Édition italienne dans l’espace francophone à la première modernité).

Given the very specific topic, the organizers envision this to be a conference with a limited number of participants.
Selected speakers will be entirely reimbursed by LE STUDIUM (transportation to and from Tours, stay in Tours, and meals).

Working languages of the conference will be French and English.
Submissions should consist of an abstract of up to 300 words, and a short CV. They are to be sent to and by May 5, 2017.