Conférence Le Studium : Music and Lived Religion in the Collegiate Church of Our Lady in Antwerp (1370 - 1566). A Multidisciplinary Study in a European context

Date: 2 Septembre 2021 au 4 Septembre 2021

Lieu: CESR

Organisateur : Prof. Eugeen Schreurs, LE STUDIUM / Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellowship - Philippe Vendrix, DR CNRS, CESR - Wendy Wauters, Illuminare - Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Art - BE

Résumé : 

The study of pre-Tridentine lived religion and musical experience in the Collegiate Church of Our Lady in Antwerp faces many difficulties. Despite its being rich in variety, the source material is often incomplete. Comparative research based on similar cases in the Low Countries and surrounding regions fills many of these gaps and opens new perspectives; an undeniable need for contextualisation in a broader geographic setting therefor manifests itself. Furthermore, as each individual research discipline quickly reaches the methodological and content-related limits it imposes, a multidisciplinary approach proves essential for the study of lived religion in all its facets. Inspite of this, the current study of ‘religion in practice’ is still too often confined to separate research disciplines. These obstacles have led to the acceptance of old hypotheses as truth over the years. When these supposed truths were used as a basis for new theories, this in turn resulted in a biased conceptualisation of socio-religious ideas and processes.

The objective of this workshop is to detect and rectify such dated assumptions. This will be realized principally via the case study of the Antwerp church of Our Lady, as the sensory experience at and the functioning of the collegiate church were exemplary for chapter and parish churches in urbanized areas of the Burgundian-Habsburg Netherlands and neighbouring regions. Crucial to obtaining its goal is the presence and active participation of researchers from different disciplines: musicology, art history, church history, theology, liturgy, social history, ... Each session will be introduced by one of the below-mentioned experts, who will also act as moderator for the subsequent discussion. In addition, there will be ample opportunity to talk about and try to overcome the challenges with which the organizers or participants are being confronted in their own research. The chosen format, which encourages discussion, will undoubtedly provide an opportunity to forge qualitative and long-term interdisciplinary exchanges and collaborations.



Prof. Eugeen Schreurs, LE STUDIUM / Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellowship 
FROM University College Antwerp, Royal Conservatory Antwerp - BE
IN RESIDENCE AT Centre for Advanced Studies in the Renaissance (CESR)  / CNRS, University of Tours - FR

Prof. Philippe Vendrix
Centre for Advanced Studies in the Renaissance (CESR)  / CNRS, University of Tours - FR

Wendy Wauters
Illuminare - Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Art - BE

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