Alexander Robinson

Fonction: Post-doctorante


Discipline: Musicologie

Statut: Chercheur Statutaire


2022-2024  Chercheur post-doctoral (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships) associé au projet AVIGNONMUSIC (« Music, Religion and Civic Identity in Renaissance Avignon (c.1500–1630) ») au CESR sous la direction de Philippe Vendrix.

This EU-funded interdisciplinary project (AVIGNONMUSIC, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships 2022-2024) will reveal how musical life in Renaissance Avignon (c.1500–1630) was directly interlinked with events happening on a broader religious, social and political level. Alongside being the first in-depth study of Avignon’s musical life during this period, it represents a significant and much-needed departure from the Parisian/royal court focus that has typified almost all previous scholarship on French Renaissance music. Two fundamental issues will provide the basis for this investigation: a) the question as to whether Avignon’s musical life can be said to reflect localised and/or nationalised trends; and b) the effect that Avignon’s unique status as a Papal enclave had on its institutions and musical practices (for example, in the presence of Italian personnel or musical developments). These broader issues will serve as a backdrop for exploring the full spectrum of musicians’ professional activities, as well as the various contexts within which they made the city resound – i.e. from its ecclesiastical establishments (such as Notre-Dame des Doms Cathedral and the Collégiale Saint-Agricol), to the instrumentalists attached to the city’s guilds, to the various civic spectacles within which musicians participated (like ceremonial entries). The results of this innovative survey will thus constitute a major contribution to the fields of early modern soundscapes and cultural studies; by extension, they will also shed new light on Avignon’s urban identity at this time, thereby leading to a better understanding of music making in France during the long sixteenth century.

CV court: 

Alexander Robinson est diplômé de l’Université d’Oxford, du King’s College London et de l’Université de Paris-Sorbonne, où il a soutenu une thèse de doctorat sur la musique à la cour d’Henri IV (1589-1610) en 2015. De 2022 à 2024, il sera basé au CESR en tant que postdoctorant Marie-Skłodowska-Curie, où il mènera un projet de recherche sur la musique dans l’Avignon de la Renaissance (c.1500-1630). En tant que chercheur indépendant, il a enseigné au King’s College London et aux universités de Cambridge et du Surrey.

Thèmes de Recherche: 

  • Histoire de la musique, 15e – 17e siècles
  • Musique française de la première modernité
  • Musicologie urbaine
  • Iconographie musicale
  • Pratiques d’exécution historique de la musique ancienne
  • Utilisation de la musique ancienne au cinéma et à la télévision

Cursus studiorum: 

  • 2015 : Doctorat en musicologie à l'Université de Paris-Sorbonne (“Musique et musiciens à la cour d’Henri IV (1589–1610)” dir. Frédéric Billiet)
  • 2009 : Master II "recherche en musique et musicologie" à l'Université de Paris-Sorbonne
  • 2004 : Master en musicologie (MMus) au King’s College London
  • 2002 : Licence en musicologie (Music BA Hons) à l'Université d’Oxford